Magdalena Janicka
He will lead the workshop: “Practice of conscious presence”
Who am I?
For over 20 years, he has been passionate about expanding consciousness and the power of conscious presence in life, in the heart and in movement, and inspires others to it, including offering proprietary workshops.
A biologist by profession with a specialization in ornithology, she felt a deep connection with Nature and the Universe since childhood. They were her first teachers and are still the most important.
Together with Colin P. Sisson, she is a co-creator of the Integrating Presence. The originator of a series of 9 Meetings with Shadow workshops, which have been created and run together with Colin in Poland since 2006. Breath Integration Trainer.
In recent years, she has created an original mentoring program for practitioners who want to learn how to give professional individual sessions of conscious presence. Many practitioners completed her internship with Breath Integration and Integrating Presence.