Karl Nielsen
Profesor psychologii
Poprowadzi wykład: “Coaching for health and happiness with mindfulness – Enhancing wellbeing in the pandemic” (wykład będzie tłumaczony na j ęzyk polski)
Opis wykładu: Coaching proved its success in sports, then in business, and now in health, happiness and wellbeing.Facing a pandemic, we have now as well big problems dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, and a new loneliness.Mindfulness is highly scientific researched. It shows great effectiveness in inner harmony, feelings of belonging, and reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.I explain our new approach of NLP intensified Mindfulness and invite you to enjoy this in 2 short exercises:
“Wishing someone well” intensified by NLP submodalities.
“Loving Kindness” intensified by NLP 1.2.3. Position.For Coaches with a “NLP Trainer, IN” background I designed in the new association Institutes for Mindfulness Evolving (In-Me) a training that qualifies for “Mindfulness Master Trainer, In-Me”: https://in-me.world/trainings/details/karl-nielsen-mindfulness-trainer-in-me-germany-sep-20-2020And for all Coaches I recommend to use in their coachings Mindfulness exercises and homework for increasing the wellbeing, health, and happiness of their clients.
Kim jest?
Karl Nielsen –Profesor psychologii, współzałożyciel i prezes międzynarodowych stowarzyszeń NLP, coachingu, hipnozy, konstelacji, uważności i psychologii pozytywnej